When I pulled a 19” chunk of Chrome out of the box to show DaBoat and it jumped out of my hands and back into the lake,
Ben and I laughed so hard and for so long, we permanently damaged our faces.
When a monster chunk of Chrome that rivaled Jodi Bushway’s (see 2011 Vt Fish/Game Digest cover) shot ten feet out of the water, then came out 2 feet again, and
Ben and I realized it had just snapped his cheater, our chins hit the floor.
When we had hit about six or eight fish within the first ½ hour,
Ben and I quit counting.
When Crazy Ivan called me to get me to a hotter area, we didn't make it because there were too many fish in the way.
When we had a triple and landed all three fish, we had scales, slime, lures, cheaters, a slide-diver, three fish, a net, and tangled line under our feet.
When I was talking to Thorny and he jokingly told me I was rude for the “fish-on” hang-up, I hung up again to help Ben net another 4 pound landlocked.
When I ran nothing but
honeybees with green on them, over green/white vertical blades, 19’ down…well, I couldn't relax much.
When we hit the shore-line, loaded the boat, and headed down the road…we had (have) permanent smiles etched onto our faces.
When I emptied the live-well, I found smelt and alewife’s hiding among the ice cubes.
When fishing Lake Champlain...
Big Ben with a bloodied, beaten, bruised Landlocked |
Honybees from Tamiron Sporting Goods |
The ripped and torn Landlocks get to go home with us |
Fish on, fish H8 me.